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Benedryl Haze

In August 2024 I got the opportunity to take a Felt Coat Yardage workshop with Chris Liszak in Edmonton, AB. Focus on Fibre Arts Association were wonderful organizers and hosts!

The goal was to make felt yardage from carded wool batts and silk. Using the advantages of felt to have felt finished seams and collars and pockets and then the advantages of sewing to make a coat that fits!!! Day one was the back. Day two the fronts. Day three the sleeves, pockets, collar. Day four cutting, fitting, sewing! Day 5 collapsing in heap.

Ingredients for this coat. From me:15 years of felting, learning and many $ in ruined attempts in the past. + Hand dyes silk, roving, and handmade prefelts. 2 batts from Custom Woolen Mills. 3 days of persistent felting, one day of sewing and fitting. More work at home for buttons, button holes and handstitching.

Combined with the guidance and instruction from @chrisliszakdesigns who has a lifetime of sewing and tailoring skills including custom wedding dresses. Her mistakes and learning and over 100 felt coats made for sale. The secret sauce was the other felters in the room for the cheering, laughs, tips, tools and fun!!!!

Back. (Finished hem at the bottom)

Inside Back

Fronts. This will be cut up the centre. The hem is at the bottom. Front finished edges at the right and left sides.

Sleeves with finished cuffs at the bottom. Design planned for mostly up the outside of the arms.

Final finish at home. With darts, buttons, buttonholes and stitching on the surface.

Why Benedryl Haze you ask?

I have a drastic tree nut allergy and had a micro dose on the morning of making the fronts. I injected myself with liquid Benedryl (magical potion) which prevented using the epipen and a trip to emergency. But I was super stoned! Thus the fronts are slightly thicker and took a lot longer to make as I was trying to get my stoned brain to work with the already complete design on the back.

Super happy with the coat! I will wear it everywhere.


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